The Nerdsletter Issue #97 – The Duviri Madness

Its Warframe time. God help me.


Look I am obsessed with Warframe at the moment and that is all you really need to know. I was away from the game for roughly 4 years and my god, how much things changed. The new Duviri Paradox quest line with its game modes (the Circuit in particular) are amazing and I love playing em. It’s also a great way to farm Warframes each week, get other rewards, and tons of affinity (the games XP). If you are just starting out with Warframe I highly suggest you go do the Duviri Paradox quest line as early as possible, and then do the Circuit each week to obtain sweet rewards. The story will NOT make sense until later, but even then it might not make sense. Seriously, its very odd.

How obsessed am I with Warframe, and how obsessed do I get with this damn game? Easy way to see, behold my COLLECTION SPREADHSEET! Yea, I am doing that. I am that guy. I will have a lot more to say, but I need to get thru the New War first before I really dive into my thoughts on Warframe but I will say this:

I find the choice of Warframe to hides its actual narrative (and IT DOES HAVE ONE) behind a quest called the Second Dream to be bizarre, as you wont GET to that quest until about 50 hours into the game. Seriously. Its fucking wild.

Honestly other then some Stardew Valley with my wife and some Lethal Company as usual, my week has been consumed by work and Warframe.

Oh, and speaking of Lethal Company, say hello to the first episode of a series being created by one of the members of our little group Ms Bitters.

Technically speaking thats a link to a whole playlist but there is only 1 episode at the moment so there ya go.



Ok now that I got it out of my system I am mostly just vibing this week and probably next week to be honest. I have not really wanted to do a whole lot creatively as of late after I going hard on Spellforce. I know I NEED to, I just dont WANT to.

And I refuse to force myself.

Stay Nerdy, treat each other kindly, and I will catch yall on the next one. Take care.

Ko Fi Donation Goal for my Move

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