The Nerdsletter Issue #95 – Infinite Cowabunga

Another week down in my life. I got some fun nonsense to talk about though!


I have finally figured out what I was craving, gaming wise, and have embraced them fully. I have been keeping up with my dailies in Hearthstone Battlegrounds and MTG Arena as well, and occasionally dipping into FF14. I have also been keeping up with my 2 games of Lethal Company every week, but for my solo gaming?

It’s been Last Epoch, Old World, and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. Let’s start with Last Epoch.

It’s still buggy and kind of messy. Ward is still overpowered, and I am going to try a Shatterstrike Mage to try playing a Ward based character but weirdly enough the “vibe” of the game has gotten to me. I find it soothing to just…spin around and murder large groups of mobs and find good loot. I actually do like how the crafting systems work. The devs are trying their best and while they still have not fixed controller targeting and whatnot it is getting improved, slowly. The story is very odd though, I will admit that. Overall, I am enjoying my time with it, but I am not maining it or anything. I will report back once I build up a Mage and try out Ward as my defensive layer.

As far as Old World goes it’s still amazing, and even more so with Asynch Multiplayer. My buddy Virus picked up the game and its DLC and we started a team game last week. Me and him vs something like 5 AI opponents. Within the first 10 turns Rome had declared War on our team and as we both said:

Rome is gonna rue the day! Or we will. It remains to be seen but Rome is going HARD and me and Virus are sort of kind of noobs heh.

Finally, I have been CONSUMING Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. My wife gave me permission to spend a little money and pick it up, and it runs well on my PC (most of the time). I have reached Chapter 5 and spent a stupid amount of time with the Sujimon side story stuff (an in general, doing every side story before the main quest), to the point where I could face the final Sujimon trainer King and win (I tried) …but if I do that, I get destroyed by level 31 opponents afterwards. Sorry but my actual party members are only level 22. I have so much I want to say about this game, honestly, that I will save down the road for when I finish it, but I will say this.

Infinite Wealth might end up being my favorite jRPG of all time at this point in my life, even better then Persona 5 Royal. And it all has to do with the cast and themes.

See, I am over 40 years old now. I have been gaming since the days of the Atari 2600 and NES. I have played more jRPGs then I could count and more regular RPGs in general over the course of my long life. And that is the key phrase here: long life. I am older now, much older than I was as a kid, and I am finding it increasingly difficult to connect with young casts. Most jRPGs have a main cast in their 20s or younger. And I just…can’t connect with them anymore. I don’t understand them anymore, I don’t think that way anymore. It’s just challenging for me to care about their frankly childish concerns at times, especially early on. As much as I love Persona for instance, it’s very hard for me to care about being in high school anymore. I am over 20 years removed from that. Infinite Wealth though?

Ichiban, the MC, is my age. I get him. I understand why he acts the way he does at times. His team is around my age, all adults, with adult lives and adult reactions to things. Like, for example, early in the game Ichi goes on a date. As someone who has been married for nearly 20 years now, I get his confusion. It would be the same as me honestly. How the hell do I date at this stage in my life? What would it be like, how do I act, what do I wear? All the shit he had to go through (which had me laughing for nearly an hour straight mind you) is perfectly understandable to me. While Infinite Wealth does in fact have some batshit insane parts (see Sujimon) it generally connects with me on a personal level.

There is nothing wrong with the classic jRPG tropes of a plucky band of young adults / teens going to fight God but it just…doesn’t work for me anymore. Honestly, after my last attempt to play Persona 5 Royal a few weeks ago I thought I had once again grown out of jRPGs but no, it’s not that. I love the turn-based combat and class systems and crunchy bits that Infinite Wealth has. It’s the cast and plots that I have outgrown or no longer care for. And that’s just a personal thing, of course! I still stand by Persona 5 Royal being a top tier jRPG. It’s just not for me anymore, and that is ok. When I played it a few years ago I was in a different place, and it’s amazing to think how much someone can change over the course of 3-4 years.

Seriously though, Infinite Wealth is amazing. It fixed every issue so far that I had with the first Like a Dragon game.

I also have 2 more videos to work on now. One is for Spellforce Conquest of Eo (the developers themselves sent me a copy of the game and its DLC), and the other is Gas Station Simulator with several of its DLC included.


I haven’t done much other then get my Metallic Speedpaint set from amazon. 10 metallic speed paints! I can now finish painting my Ogors that are partially painted. I still have not built my Mournfang yet, but I am going to soonish. I will need a new can of primer though since I am out of that.


Well thankfully my neck is feeling better this week.  So that is good news for me, among other things.  Not much else to say really.  Just be kind.  It’s all we got in this world.

Ko Fi Donation Goal for my Move

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