The Nerdsletter Issue #83 – 83 Weeks with the Nerd!

If you understood that reference I have some supplements to sell ya.


Honestly I don’t have too much this week.  It’s the week before Christmas, and I haven’t done much.  I haven’t been in the mood frankly.  I played a bit of Lethal Company with my wife, and then tried Fallout 76 only to have that game spend 10 minutes crashing to desktop when attempting to log into the game servers.  When I finally did get in, the game lagged super hard.  So I gave up.

I did start dicking around in The Elder Scrolls Online, and even picked up the High Isles DLC to get access to the companion system and two companions.  So far, I have hit level 10 and its not a bad game.  I am going to start with the original storyline when I can, and then just slowly work my way through the game.  I have the first 3 DLC and High Isles now, so I have quite a bit of stuff I can work through.  The game world is kind of scary big.

That’s really it this week.  Oh, and a tiny bit of Rogue Trader but for some reason I cannot bring myself to focus on that.


Merry Christmas everyone.  Next week will be the last Nerdsletter of 2023.  We made it.

Lord have mercy.

I hope 2024 is less insane then this year has been.

2 thoughts on “The Nerdsletter Issue #83 – 83 Weeks with the Nerd!

  1. Which faction did you go for in ESO? The original game faction stuff can be quite hit or miss depending on the faction, but DLC stuff is generally better/more interesting


    1. I had a level 19 Argonian Warden, but I found I do not like the Warden playstyle. So I made a Breton Arcanist who is gonna go unlock a bunch of shit first like all the companions and then figure out what I wanna do lol


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