The Nerdsletter Issue #101 – Dalmatians

I only get one real chance to make this reference, so I am doing it now damnit!


I actually played more then just Warframe this week. Holy cow! Let me just list em out for easy reading.

  • Marvel’s Midnight Suns: I grabbed this after having it on my Wishlist for months and months. The ultimate edition was $25 / 75% off so I figured why not. It’s not bad! The best way I can describe it is an xcom like card game…but not really? Like the way the game plays is its split into segments. You start each in game day in the morning at your base, you can walk around in 3rd person and interact with the other heroes, craft stuff, mess with your hero decks, etc. Then you go to a mission table, pick a mission, and go into that where the game plays in a turn based tactical way, but it’s almost like Slay the Spire? Enviromental stuff matters, and positioning matters in this mode, but there are no hit chances thankfully. Once you finish your battle you go back to your base for a Nighttime section, where you can hang out with heroes (or groups of heroes) to increase friendship rating with them and get bits of lore and story. It’s hard to describe. It’s fun, but it wasn’t quite what I have been craving so I haven’t touched it past the first like 8 hours I have spent with it.
  • Fallout 76: Yea I am one of those who decided to give this yet ANOTHER chance. It’s… ok? Thats the best way I can describe it. Just ok. This is the 3rd or 4th time I have tried it, and I am actually sticking with it this time around. I have some frustrations with the game though. For example: I started a quest line called Responders Reborn, which required me to do 3 Daily quests for the Responders to advance it. That was fine. Then one of the daily quests sent me to a highly dangerous area called The Mire where, when you cross the border, the game is like “Yo get a gas mask for this area” which I did not have. And then when I went further in, I kept getting killed by enemies with way better gear then me. I eventually did finish the quest, thru stealth, stealth boys, and faction infighting. But that was really annoying. Also, I have tried to do a few of the public events, and they are really bad about explaining shit. One required the people doing it to go and “find 5 robot waitstaff and get them back to work” and there were 3 of us doing it, and we could not find the 5th one. We had 4/5 and since events are on a timer. IT SUCKED so bad. I also tried to do one on my own, but it needed me to have Rank 2 lockpicking which I did not have so I couldn’t even bother. At least I have not experienced the crashes I had the last times I tried. Oh, and the main original questline in the game is still just as boring as it was at release. I might go focus on the Atlantic City quest line, or the Wastelanders one. There are also tons of just oddball side stuff the game throws at you.
  • Warframe: I mean did you really think I hadn’t played ANY Warframe this week? Silly biscuits. The big thing this week was finishing my first ever Archon Hunt and doing a few Netracell runs with some fellow CohhClan members. I haven’t played it much else outside of these things as I have been taking a bit of a break from it, just to avoid burnout. I am waiting for May 1st and the Protea Prime release anyway so I can grind out relics for that frame!

I also have been playing Hearthstone Battlegrounds, which now has a Duo mode! That has actually been a breath of fresh of air for the mode, and I have not been doing too bad with that mode at all. I also still have two videos to make on games, one for Kingsgrave and one for The Last Spell with its new Dwarf DLC. Whats fun is that I got a steam key for Kingsgrave without asking, directly via email from a PR Firm. I have never had that happen before. Usually, in the past, the only games I got sent were thru Keymailer and they were shitty asset flips. Never have I had a PR Team just be like “Hey, you like RPGs? Here is a key for this new one, you can cover it or not, it’s just for you and we HOPE you cover it!”

It was a first for me frankly. Next month I am looking forward to the release of Skald Against the Black Priory. I am most likely going to get the Deluxe edition (since I doubt the devs / publisher will send me a key for that game, and I want all the goodies). If you have not seen Skald PLEASE check it out, it’s such a cool project. There is a DEMO on Steam so you have no excuse to not try it unless you just don’t like old school pixel RPGs. If you enjoyed Moonring, you should give it a look for sure. Its right here:

Oh and I played more Lethal Company of course, which is still a blast with friends. We might be trying a Lethal Company Like game called “Sketchy’s Contract”. Could be interesting.


Been a rough week mentally for me. I finally figured out why I was having issues at least, but there is not much I can do about it to be honest. But at least I have an answer.

I am also going to hopefully get back to working on learning the Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition toolset down the road, more likely after I move and have time again. I want to get through the Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdake campaigns as well, and see just what kind of stuff the engine can do baseline. I think teaching myself a toolset rather then trying to learn to code will just work better for me overall, for the kind of stuff I want to do.

Anyway stay nerdy, treat each other kindly, and I will catch you all next week. Only 3 weeks to go till the big 2 year issue!

Ko Fi Donation Goal for my Move

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